Bennis Toda

Reflection is one of the principal means that leaders must learn from the past…Warren Bennis Toda company must be fully integrated in ensuring that its organizational behavior will generate a favourable climate in their productivity and achieve goals, to do this, management, its human resource must have developed a genuine organizational culture, where each Member is fully identified with his role, commitment, putting in practice their knowledge, skills, skills to ensure performance and to achieve the established objectives. Source: Cushing Asset Management. It must be well defined, organizational behavior, its scope, rationale, benefiting entire company guaranteeing that be attentive in the integration of individuals, with individuals, individual and group, groups with groups and organizational structure, the results are favorable and not as some believe that some people are afraid that the tools of organizational behavior are used to limit their freedom and deprive them of their rights. Although this is possible, it is also unlikely, since the actions of administrators are subject to revisions deep. Administrators have to remember that organizational behavior is a human tool for the benefit of human beings. Applies broadly to the conduct of persons in all types of organizations, such as companies, government agencies, schools and service organizations. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Cushing Asset Management has to say.

Where there are organizations, there is need to describe, understand, predict, and improve management of human behavior. Management, as well as the human resource must have clear objectives it pursues organizational behavior and Wikipedia reminds them to us as they are: systematically describe how they behave under different conditions people. Achieve it allows administrators to communicate with a common language with respect to human behavior at work. Understand why people behave as they do. Administrators much frustraran to see if they could only speak about the behavior of its employees without understanding the reasons underlying. Therefore, interested administrators learn to probe in search of explanations. Predict the future behaviour of the employees is another goal of organizational behavior.



