In industry, compressed air is the second of latitude of energy use (after electricity) and is used in all industries. Naturally, the air enters the compressor, contains moisture in the vapor state (average relative humidity – 80%), so even a small compressor can emit a considerable amount of the pneumatic water. The water in the pneumatic system leads to serious operational Problems: – pipeline corrosion – peremerzaniyu and possible suspension of production – washes away the lubricating film – frequent breakdowns and failure of equipment – a violation of the pneumatic valves and other devices – marriage end product. To reduce the air temperature when it is fed into the duct is commonly used end air coolers. However, they do not provide 100% cooling, so water gets to all the evenly duct. To solve these problems in production is necessary to use air dryers.
In the market of the following types of dryers of various domestic and foreign manufacturers: Freon dryers compressed air are most common. Their work is forced condensation by cooling the compressed air. Provided by the dew point of compressed air +3 C is sufficient to most industries, where the line of compressed air goes out of heated space adsorption dryers with cold regeneration of the adsorbent provides compressed air dew point to -70 C and below. Principle of operation is retention of moisture in the surface layers of the grains of the adsorbent, and its subsequent excretion into the atmosphere by purging the adsorbent is part of the dried air. Low power consumption and design simplicity are the advantages of this type of adsorption dryers with hot regenerated adsorbent can significantly reduce or eliminate the loss of compressed air for regeneration.
Air for regeneration is taken from atmosphere with a blower, which creates a slight overpressure, and is heated by external heating elements before entering the adsorber. To cool the adsorbent after regeneration also takes the air, but at the end of the cooling phase of dried and used compressed air, which causes losses. Loss of compressed air are 2.0-2.5%. Membrane compressed air dryers separate the water molecules in During the passage of compressed air through the fibrous membrane and are suitable for drying small volumes of compressed air. The simplicity of design and no need for batteries, and maintenance – the benefits of this type dehumidifiers. Disadvantage – loss of compressed air, usually amounting to 20%. Not so long ago patented by another type of dehumidifiers – Freonless. The originality of the design lies in the fact that the dryer is made of a block diagram for frame, and an installation consisting of a vertical radiator section, cooling fans and an automatic condensate drain. Simple, reliable and compact dehumidifier can install it on open space in a convenient location. Design features allow you to produce driers of various capacities (from 10 to 250 m3/min), with a dew point of 50 (summer) to -230 C (in winter). The principle of operation is based on the difference temperature and drying air. The compressed air passing through the fin tube radiator is cooled to the dew point. This is accompanied by condensation and moisture loss, which drains into the traps with followed by an automatic discharge. Familiar with this type of dryer can be on site compressed air dryer, COMPRESSORS, SPARES