Michel Foucault possesss pretensions to trace a genealogy of knowing, perhaps for the nietzschiana inspiration that permeia its workmanship, vide ' ' Genealogy of the Moral' ' (Nietzsche), thus universalizando the concept of being able that it uses, identifying it with the element that systemize the field of knowing, a espitemolgico delineator. Also if it makes important to mention that for Foucault, ' ' poder' ' it differs from the idea vulgarized that if has regarding the same, therefore beyond being a changeable concept, varying as the adaptation necessity, is transforming, in contrast of the idea of impecilho to the transformation and takes care of the necessities of the proper society therefore emanates of the same one. A power if becomes an agent in the historical process, not being a reducionismo of its capacity of performance and nor if restricting to no monismo, therefore it is including, with a complex and pluralizante joint, running away the certain structural conceptualizations, desconstruindo all a linear logic, therefore it ascends since substrata of the society, not being able to be previsible its manifestation and nor the resonances that will come out a posteriori, from there the given denomination the Foucault of ' ' after-estruturalista' '. The spheres of being able do not make distinction of classrooms, englobam the social sphere as a whole and influence in such a way in the structure of a society, how much the institucional level, being able to be classified as operating also in ' ' infra' ' ' ' superestrutura' ' , being valid to remember that the used denominations mention marxist sistmica conception to it and possess the pretension to emphasize the negation of the same ones. The discontinous one also appears as form of negation of history, the efemeridade of the theories, beyond the presented constant confrontation, demonstrating to all acuidade in relation to the tactical process of understanding concerning the historical meandros, therefore in the proper words of the author: ' ' The problem is at the same time to distinguish the events, to differentiate the nets and the levels the one that belongs and to reconstitute the wires that they bind and that they make with that they are produced, ones from the others.