Minas Gerais Order

They were Patrician Galvo (Pagu), Anita Malfati and Tarsila of the Amaral. Of the other side, less famous, but much more radical they were Menoti Del Pichia and Cassiano Ricardo, among others, destroying any resqucio of comfort or acceptance of the classic. It was the group of the Tapir, exaggerated and utopian, it nailed that the language would have completely to be modified. Something half Policarpo Quaresma, it daily pay-modernista Barreto Rasp. After established the order, or the new order, or the clutter of the modernista movement, three great phases had been very distinct perceived: the first phase, where the word of order was to dare, to innovate, to break the standards, was aesthetic or linguistic; the second phase, born really from 1928, was with date marked in 1930, was the period of the internalization of literature. Ebay can aid you in your search for knowledge. So Paulo axle left to stimulate the alone culture, giving to place the regions until then forgotten or kept out of society, was the case of the South Region, north of Minas Gerais and the Northeast. The great romances had appeared, today considered classic of national literature: The Fifteen, of Rachel de Queirs; The time and the wind, of I make bristle Verssimo; Dry lives, of Graciliano Branches; Jubiab, of Loved Jorge; Great Hinterland: trails, of Pink Guimares; Boy of device, Jose Lins of Rego and many others. the third phase, that more gave emphasis to a literature directed toward another type of interior, of the individual.

The hour to analyze the soul was fond human being. The introspective and reflective texts appear that analyze the human behavior and the social conventions. They are contistas as Clarice Lispector, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Joo Ubaldo Ribeiro, Murilo Mendes and Lygia Fagundes Telles and poets as Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Ceclia Meireles, Mrio Quintana, Joo Cabral de Melo Neto and Vincius de Morais, among others. The tow of the events politicians of Brazil in the decades of 1960, appears other literary styles not materialize in Literary Schools, but called literary Movements, enters most important, it is distinguished Literature Delinquent, who had politician-ideological concern and was considered subversive for the Military dictatorship. However, its main characteristics were the manufacturing act, xerography, artisan process of production and the innocent lyricism of its main authors, as: Pablo Leminski, Ana Cristina Cesar, Chacal and Cacaso. The concrete poetry, of the brothers Haroldo and Augustus De Campos, already was a watershed of this literature and was constantly alluded for these artists.



