
The politics of ' ' doors abertas' ' it must be stimulated by the managers until if becoming common in the organization. IV.Abertura the new ideas: Degree where the company is dynamic is intent to the changes, has chance sense, establishes bold objectives, is leader of trends and creates a motivador environment. In this environment the company values and stimulates the new ideas of its collaborators. It can be made financial incentives as awardings for economy in the change of some process, to create a box of suggestions, to have periodic meetings between sectors in the search of improvements, to create a group of improvement, etc. Depend very on the communication, it the point of the employee must be opened to have the ousadia to display and to create new methods and procedures. It is a work that can bring resulted in short, the average one, or long stated period. Professional V.Desempenho: The work is stimulant for the employees and offers professional challenges, possibility of growth and personal valuation. Proper the practical one of ideas makes with that the professional feels itself valuing more, can also be made casters, where the employee leaves of being a specialist in a function and starts to have knowledge of other activities, helping in the agreement of all the process and its final objective.

The construction of a career plan also is important, but certainly it is more viable in companies of great transport. Its results are of medium in the long run. VI.Aprendizado: The company stimulates and provides chance of professional development for the employees. The company does not pass of the phase of only charging qualification of the functional picture, but she starts to stimulate. She can yourself be made this with internal courses, financial aid in the studies (college, specific course of languages, professionalizing courses, etc.). She can be implanted with spreading of a new politics of valuation of employees stimulating to the studies, have a very good consequence, and its results can be of short term.


