The Management Of The Service

SERVICE management: the real medicine that our organizations require to achieve increased productivity over the last decade, we have witnessed significant changes that organizations have implemented to achieve the loyalty of their customers and to seduce the potential market that day was born in our country. But, it has been easy to motivate your staff to flexibilize the paradigm of thought-oriented production, one customer-oriented and above all to humanize him for any organization. In our market, it is easy to copy all types of marketing strategies that other countries have become a panacea to achieve the loyalty of customers and maintain the minimum expectation that the client expects to get as quality, price, promotions, sales points among other things created fundamental on the psychology of the consumer; but we really believe that copy, transcribe and even overlap with new old trends are the chimera to achieve that our clients remain loyal to our companies and worse still are the link to achieve capture new markets; in reality, we must understand that this pedagogy and methodology are focused to bring companies to the total bankruptcy. If, if we must rethink the strategy of service which remains to date in Colombia, but rather that this is is to rethink in a new and fresh way to refocus the service to the client and ensure that the environment is our alloy; There is a practice excessive to believe that what is good for some, equally it will for us, unfortunately is not the case. Then, what to do?, simply the challenge organizational service management, since those who follow this culture really determine the obstacle for a model of true moments of truth between companies and their customers. It has been shown that Colombian organizations are able to captivate the attention of customers in many kinds of products and businesses, including some not traditionally considered as service business.



