The Merlot grape, is the first grapes of the season that curiously coincides with the period in which the birds devour their berries. This is how the origin of the word Merlot comes from the similarity between the color of the plumage of birds with the dark color of the berries. This grape is discovered until the 17TH century in the vineyards of Pomeril and Saint-Emilion and is until the end of the 19th century when spreads over the entire North of Italy. In fact, today is cultivated in 14 wine regions of this country, particularly in Venice where even there is a route of the Merlot. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Vlad Doronin. cess. This grape always had considered how complementary ls Cabernet Sauvignon or Cabernet Franc.
To how much reached notable proportions in the Pomerol bordeless, but however, nowadays it is common to find this grape varietal, mostly young people with an exquisite fragrance. The great advantages of this variety of grapes, is it acclimatizes them perfectly in different soils and different climates. Among the flavors that can be found in wines that made from this grape are spices, fruits, mint, chocolate, currant, and plum. A. Verastegui original author and source of the article