Credit Card

Going to a commercial center with its credit card is what leads to many people to the bankruptcy. The studies say that the more time a person in a commercial time, the more will buy. The problem is not to buy, the problem is the quality of the bought thing. Many people buy things that will not use, or that do not bridan to them to please. Many women for example buy shoes and clothes that soon leave forgotten and never used. Many men buy tool kits that are without use in the garage. When a person buys with cash, then she thinks more to it. Nevertheless with its credit card, everything seems cheaper, easier and from which it abuses.

It would have then to cut the credit cards with scissors and to throw them to the sweepings? By all means that no. Personally those plastics seem to me one of the best inventions in the economic area. The credit by means of cards invigorates the economy, facilitates the mobilization and transport of money, protects the atmosphere when reducing the amount of destroyed trees to make tickets, etc. But the sinister side is that 1.000 dollars spent with a credit card seem less than thousands spent in cash. That relativity of the money takes to many to the bankruptcy. In order to achieve the financial objectives, we say to accumulate wealth, you you must learn to use its credit card. You must learn to spend money. He writes in a paper which wishes to buy and it has bought when it, it keeps his credit card.

Besides the previous advice, to write down what must buy another related advice he is that you must buy things that produce wealth to him, things that take of a place where this to it the one best one. He invests his money, does not spend it. You must buy things take that it to generate more money del than it invests in it. For example if you buy a good book that changes its mental landlords, then you will have made an investment and not a cost. The best investments than one can realise are the investments on itself. To those they transform it investments into somebody successful and rich one. An investment that I recommend is one that will allow him to transform its mental landlords. That investment it will allow to change the mental landlords him of its mind. The best thing is than it is a guaranteed investment, if you do not see results in 60 days, it requests a return of his money and can conserve the videos. If, which I recommend to him is that you invest in Subliminal videos that would reprogramaran their mind. This investment fulfills the requirements necessary to be considered thus: the aid to work on itself and improves its capacities to generate what wishes. But it only must make this investment if it is arranged to use 20 minutes daily seeing these videos. If it only wishes to only gain 100.000 dollars monthly and if it is arranged to use 20 minutes daily they justify that it uses his credit card.



