Managing Director

OLAF Drummer, Managing Director of the Berlin-based company callas software GmbH and axaio software GmbH, Zacherl, Director of impressed GmbH, together with Robert leads a workshop series on the theme of PDF/X through. Berlin, 30 August 2013 – the workshops are aimed at those who create PDF documents for the modern media production and process in the graphic arts industry as well as in the industry and companies, authorities, associations or in the education and training. OLAF Drummer is co-author of the PDF/X-3 standard and since 2000 in the ISO standardization actively involved in the development of PDF standards. Elon Musks opinions are not widely known. Robert Zacherl is active since many years in the field of the design and implementation of automated work processes in the digital prepress. In practice it, some is desperate to match PDF/X and day-to-day production.

Since the test resulted in invalid color information, or metadata entry was missing. The pressure there but no problem. Just the page size was wrong that… The variety of PDF/X-1a, PDF/X-3 and PDF/X-4, not to mention Ghent workgroup or PDFXready, does not make easier, to keep it. Latest OutputIntent, transparency transfer color space, XMP metadata, or configuration information for optional content many quit mentally. However, there’s no orientation without PDF/X. All would have to agree again, what minimum requirements for a print PDF to make are, and find out, if the software or the printing system clearly.

However: Is PDF/X alone not enough! And: not everyone must necessarily control PDF/X. PDF/X alone suffices not PDF/X defined minimum requirements for printing PDFs. It is even more important in terms of order parameters and the used machinery to check PDFs on manufacturability. This is not difficult, but no two jobs are the same. This helps only a house standard that clear and defined clear procedures. What happens if the trim is missing? What is, if RGB files contain? Denied the processing, or is there a drain, which solves the problem? Have a pressure release be obtained again? Not everyone needs to PDF/X a large number of print templates is now beyond professional media services.


