National Program

in the conclusion of the analysis of the applied questionnaires, when &#039 was asked if; ' school participates of some plan of goals of governo' ' , we had unamimity of the answers: 100% of the interviewed ones they had said that the school participates of the following plans: FUNDEB, olimpadas, National Program of Support to Transporte Escolar (PNATE), National Program of Alimentao Escolar (PNAE), Program Direct Money in the School (PDDE) and Health School. Thus, with these answers, we can understand that, differently from the school of private character, the public schools receive resources financial that favor pedagogical and these, in turn, are of knowledge of all the involved pairs in the pertaining to school environment. 4. FINAL CONSIDERAES These consideraes do not have the objective to be conclusive, but to emphasize aspects and pointed appreciations already in the text. Thus, the indications made in elapsing of the work suggest to leave clearly that the institucional evaluation composes a process of inquiry and understanding of the pertaining to school reality, with the end of assisting the taking of deliberations how much to the aiming of the interventions, having in seen the perfectioning of the pertaining to school work. Moreover, it is perceivable also that the data of the evaluation have been considered for the definition of action and improvements for the school, as they had demonstrated to the explicativas answers of the professors and directors of the searched pertaining to school institutions. In a similar way, it was clearly that the evaluation serves as instrument of practical orientation and revision of and planejamentos for the pertaining to school management and the faculty, and that this has the potential of if constituting in essential element of the democratic management. However, it is fact that the schools can improve its practical of evaluation and to deepen the functioning of existing structures already, such as the meetings with parents and mothers, APMs, Advice of School, cultural presentations of works and other activities, everything with the end to give a bigger return to the pertaining to school community concerning the construction, analyses and reflections of the Institucional evaluation.



