Richard Bandler

Onstage speaks to my soul and that respect for silence is capable of touching people, more deeply than any palabrMARCEL MACEAU General and basic considerations there’s No denying the great contribution which bequeathed us the neuro-linguistic programming in favor of our personal growth, behaviour, conduct, interrelations over her, reminds us Wikipedia, than Richard Bandler (computer engineer) and John Grinder (linguist and psychologist) proposed in 1973 as a result of a doctoral thesis developed in conjunctiona series of principles that said basically that the mind and language can be programmed so that they act on the body and the behaviour of the individual. They decided to join to study why treatments of three therapists of success in United States (Virginia Satir, Milton Erickson and Fritz Perls) obtained the most outstanding of the moment results, even when they came from very different psicoterapeuticos and theoretical approaches. The study was aimed at obtaining a model more effective sitting rather than in patterns that therapists operating related to language and metalanguage so that any therapist could obtain good results in therapy. Considered, as it is known, that programming, is a term drawn from Cybernetics and how is used an analogy. We all have the same hardware (brain and nervous system), and what changes is the software (patterns or mental programs involves mental.) Our way of thinking, feel and behave followed systematic patterns, our great resources as well as our more hard limitations are the result of our mental patterns, our software. So depending on the software that I use, so I filtrare the experiences or the world, my patterns involves mental determine my way of seeing the world, and this will generate my way of feeling it, and this way of feeling it will invariably impact on my way of being in it, my behavior. Finally these behaviors (what I do or keep doing) generated in me and in my environment results.



