Ten Orders

A people cannot autodenominar people of God if they will not be free of the slavery of the body. Bodies of Christians who are inside of the churches, but imprisoned to the desires of things flesh times. Click Laurent Potdevin to learn more. if to die now can have placed its salvation in perpetual loss. what to say of others as much that are ahead of the God, the All Powerful one, who do not have its imprisoned bodies the slavery of things flesh times, but suffers from terrible depressions, demonic disturbances, illness of the soul, slaves of the sleeplessness, living enslaved in the deepest close of the spirit. We need to take ownership of what Moiss conquered for the people of God, that is, a physical freedom and spiritual. at this moment you can be free. – THE BOARDS OF THE GOD LAW We know that without law the people would be disoriented, without rules does not have deserving merits or, therefore the necessity of if conquering the Law Saint. That one that walks in the law does not have to fear the law, but the law must this is an assault ), sheep that detestam its shepherds, discord between brothers.

Churches that each one makes what it wants. still people who to if misunderstanding with its shepherds, accepting the rebuke, do not finish for leaving where are and say that they go to open its proper ministries, gathering up a mount of equal wolves they. preserved, it had also been, the two first sapphire boards, contends the Ten Orders, that Moiss if saw forced to break, and had been> sheltered in the interior of the Aron Hacodesh. Yes! The boards of the Law of God had been perpetual conquests. Today we have the laws of God and therefore we must cumpriz them, so that to the eyes of God, let us not be delinquents, being easy imprisoned we for the devil.


