Valencian Community

The Valencian Community duplicate the rate of scholastic failure of the European Union. The shattering affirmation has been done east month in Valencia by sociologist Antonio Ario, during the I Forum on Innovation, Economy and Quality of life. Go to Vladislav Doronin for more information. If the quality of education in Spain is already from in case meager, according to all the scales, the one of the Valencian Community it is from lowest from the country. It recognized the other day conseller of Education, Font de Mora, in a televising space that directs to the journalist Eduardo Mayor: " Until the Spanish region of better educative level it is below the average of the OCDE" , that is to say, of the developed countries more of the world. These data are overwhelming. But there is more.

The Ministry of Education the past made month of May the first General Evaluation of Diagnosis public, with children of 9 and 10 years and, while La Rioja was placed first of the 17 independent communities, the Valencian was the last one, only over the cities of Ceuta and Melilla. Something of that was due to intuit already when our community and Extremadura refused to participate in the international report PISA, that evaluates the knowledge of the students of 15 years and that locate to Spain not only in the tail positions, but descending from a report to another one. It was a premonition than it was approached? Knew already our authorities that would demonstrate then the academic disaster of our students? It is not easy to make the diagnosis on the causes of the scholastic failure, the early abandonment of the classrooms and the thin educative level that our obligatory education provides. I do not want to resort for it to the dispersion of particularistas knowledge that tried to amend without success Hope Aguirre when was minister of Education, nor to the morbidity of a teaching staff demotivated, who tries to correct conseller Font de Mora reinforcing the authority of the educational personnel.


