What Makes The Process Work?

Likewise, this practice greatly expands the value gained by the company throughout the process. Stages in the process of coaching behavior following steps summarize the development of a coaching process: 1) Involve leaders: not only the customer should be clear on desired behaviors, it is necessary to make it clear (again according to its directors) and key stakeholders what is expected to change. There are two main reasons put forward by the people to deny the validity of information obtained in the assessment of 360 points qualifiers wrong or bad. By having our clients and their managers agree on the behaviors you want to change and progress which they are major stakeholders, this will help to secure commitment and will enhance the benefits of the process. 2) Gather information. You should speak personally with the parties concerned.

Those coaches, their managers, peers and the company is making a real investment in their development, it is impossible to get a good result in the evaluation of behavior change if there is no agreement and clearly in the behavior you want to change. But at lower levels of the organization are more price sensitive, information obtained through the 360 can be sufficient, but in any case the feedback is critical. 3) To reach agreement on key behaviors for change. Experience will show that this is a more simple and more focused. It is generally advisable to choose only one or two key areas for change in behavior of each client. This helps ensure maximum attention to the most important behavior change.



