Young Fashion

Fashion refers to the customs that make any era or place specific, especially those related with the dress or decorate. Everyone has different tastes in clothing, some use quieter clothes, others more extroverts, most elegant, etc., although always everything will go by times and within each time go to demarcate different types of fashions such as those mentioned above.For many fashion can be a game of life for designers and models. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Penguin Random House. Styles and trends should be according to the person who occupies certain garment; people have to locate in their age, work and/or taste for fashion, so that someone can see modern, must see well is not only bring clothes of the trend that came to the market if you don’t have to look to go with its character, appearance, age, but above all it has to feel good about yourself / a to that actually communicate that fashion that attracts you. So it is important to know that there are different types of body, and each one needs something specific to highlight its best attributes and hide their small defects.We would be in an error when we talk about fashion and only think on the catwalk or in large Windows of this or that brand of confection, we must think that we are referring to everything that represents everything related to modes of live cultures of ways and customs that is and to summarize the fashion embraces everything that refers to our existence and is no exaggeration to say that last from the beginning of time when the man sought refuge in the caves because they started fashions if, say for example the painting the walls of the caverns surely became fashionable hunting trips, then tell the women and also men began to decorate their bodies or perhaps they only imitated the animals that embadurnaban mud to protect themselves from insects but they should also see more say attractions and so they laid the basis of a technique or should we rather say fashion that even today is still practiced in many tribes of the globe Australia, Africa Oceania etc., of all this that shows us that the fashion and the human evolution go hand in hand we can draw many conclusions but especially one which prevails over the others is that fashion and human evolution go hand in hand and could not understand the one without the other..



