The Discalculia is an upheaval, related with the learning of the mathematics. The word comes of the Greek (dis, badly) and of the Latin (calculare, to count) forming: counting badly. This word calculare comes, in turn, of calculation that means the pebble or one of the accountants in an abacus. During much time, the organic factors had been to the cause of the learning problems. From diverse studies on mental health the concept was changed. Organic factors exist that will be able to intervene with the learning, but other causes will have to be investigated.
Taya (2003) ' defines the learning upheaval; ' as a disfuno neuropsicolgicos-problems that hinder the integrated functioning it brain in desenvolvimento' '. Dficits of mathematics occurs of isolated form e, for definition, they involve upheavals with calculations, and many times, with the resolution of problems. A problem with the focus in the discalculia or calculations is that the capacity to carry through mathematical calculations demands diverse numerical abilities, as well as the proficient reading involves the recognition of words, the reading fluente of words and texts and the understanding with each one of these components possibly determined by diverse basic cognitivos processes (Fuchs et AL, 2006b). A difficulty exists to define a set of dficits in academic abilities that identify individuals with mathematics upheaval. It is important to also diagnosis if it has dislexia, why upheaval in mathematics is had and in reading the language and reading exist comprometimentos more serious in. According to Keeler and Swanson (2001) Apud Jack M Fletcher (2009), had observed that the abilities in mathematical calculations in individuals with a specific upheaval of mathematics were foreseen more for the memory of 11 verbal work of what for the visuo-space memory. The children who present upheaval of reading and the mathematics tend to have more serious problems with the memory of work of what the ones that have problems only with the reading or the mathematics (Fletcher et al, 2003).