Excellent Carnival

Its son goes to be well young mother. Unhappyly; if it had heard me, would not be in this situation. Mrs. did not want to be grandmother? She looks at, young woman, to namorar married man is loss of time. She silences the mouth, mother; she goes to count my history for the world all, is? I informed you, my son, married man only has past, little gift and no future. Mariana laughed, but it did not think.

Meanwhile, using to advantage itself of the descontrao of that colloquy, a certain youngster, seated to the front, with a fisionomia ugly, but expressive, had the thighs of Mariana under the aiming and he did not lose one launches at least when it crossed and uncrossed the legs. It is certain that, even so it tried, it did not obtain to hide the white of the panty. The youngster was in settles, with the desire eyes dardejando. Finally Mariana was authorized to enter in the doctor’s office. The doctor invited to seat it. They had started to talk.

It had 40 years, was high, eyes chestnuts, clear skin. Brando was the name of it. Its penetrating look made any woman to arrepiar of desires. It asked: How it is the animation for the carnival? Excellent. You costuma to pass the carnival in Salvador? Ah! I do not lose the carnival in Safe Port for swims in this world. It had forgotten that you were born in Safe Port. With pleasure. Elias, how are you? Well. It has more than one year does not come to my doctor’s office; I do not believe that it has changed me for another doctor? Not, doctor. You are the doctor where it more trusts. It goes to travel with you? Not, unhappyly it is working.


