Rio De Janeiro

The parassimptico nervous system has an performance here also promoting the easiness of the activities of the intestinal canal, promoting the flow, the mucous secretion, the peristaltismo, and other activities of the digestive process sanguineous. See more detailed opinions by reading what Laurent Potdevin offers on the topic.. Chronic Diarria: it is a frequency state or abnormal flow of fecais discharges, in many times due the emotional cases, has cases where the people can have about 40 or 50 movements of the intestine per day. Some psychic manifestations in detriment of stress: Hiper-reactivity to the environment, irritability, sensation of expectation, pessimistic vision, difficulty of concentration, anxiety, depression, isolation, impulsiveneness, loss or excess of appetite and panic. Some mannering manifestations in detriment of stress: Alcoholism, bulimia, tobaccoism, consumption of illicit drugs, use of calmantes and ansiolticos, self-medication (to suppress symptoms specific), increase of coffee ingestion or drinks of the type glue and autodestrutivo behavior. It estresse it can have its effect potencializados for some elements that if cycle of exciting substances calls, are they: the tobacco, the alcohol, proper stress, sugar coffee, sedentarismo and foods; already in the attempt of if controlling the level of stress we have the cycle controlling of exciting substances, that is some behaviors as: balanced feeding, to drink sufficiently liquid, regular physical activity and to respect the biological rhythms (as to sleep well for example), that is a change in daily habits already would help to keep the level of stress to regulate. In December of 1996 a research was made, in a clinic of check-up doctor in Rio De Janeiro, between ten a thousand liberal executives and professionals in the band of 30 the 75 years, where it demonstrated: Unbalanced feeding …..



