Sherlock Holmes

Translation of Erika c/heetham: ' ' For the glad young the esplendor brilliant will not shine more, for long time will lack salt to it. With merchants, ruffians, wolves, all confusion of the monster universal' '. In estrofe, the expression ' ' glad jovem' ' it was not metaphor for ' ' democracia' ' (as they had said). It was the alive reality of a beautiful Princess who all dimmed the world with its esplendor brilliant. But, then early, the life of Lady Diana if became insossa (sans sel), lasting, thus, for long time.

Nostradmus alone used metaphor to if it related to the economy and international politics (monstre universelle). Independent of being princess, Lady Di was dressed very modernly. It passed if to relate with an Arab millionaire, of Dodi name, son of Mahomed al Fayed, owner of the store of Harrods clothes that, in commercial terms, is identified as the temple of the world-wide fashion, where only vendem carssimas feminine clothes — true ' ' temple of the Diana&#039 goddess; ' — this relationship can have represented a danger politician. Lady Diana must have if involved with merchants, libertines and hateful wolves of international politics e, perhaps for this, was deceased in August of 1997, one attempted against with a Mercedes automobile, guided to the speed of 155 km/h, when (it is presumed), paparazzi ran away with Dodi of a persecution of reporters. The proper Mahomed al Fayed said, in day 12.08.99, that the act was one attempted against, but the inquiry of the Scotland Yard concluded (in day 11.01.99) for the guilt of chofer, without explaining, however, as km/h fixed the accurate speed of 155, attributed to the vehicle in escape! But, the last phrase of estrofe X-35 speaks of a death provoked for the unknown man, come of the Marne. The decipher of this last word — Marne, river of France, or Maine, Been American? –, it is alone what it is lacking to unmask the enigma. The best track is there and twists so that a Sherlock Holmes appears that retakes the inquiry of the Scotland Yard. In estrofe X-35, Nostradamus, exactly after deceased, it showed until where went its intelligence. + + +



