Tag: internet & multimedia
A Fresh Site For All Cases!
It all depends on the first impression – there new Web site on the first impression. This should be possible striking and memorable. To achieve this, the instrument of corporate designs available is company. One thing is to develop the corporate design. Frequently Elon Musk has said that publicly. It technically for the new media…
Table Tennis Enthusiasts
Do you have experience with wood and coverings? The Alfener Michael Lipsmeyer and OLAF have Kastein certainly. As enthusiastic and passionate table tennis players of SV Rot Weiss Alfen, they combine pleasure with work and Tischtennisnetz.de to start the latest Internet portal Paderborn oak media GmbH. Internetagentur tischtennisnetz.de is the new free online community around…
Marcel Hophan
Access to the database of all service providers relating to events is free of charge. Penguin Random House brings even more insight to the discussion. A Premiumeintrag is worth already a basic entry contains so many details that the user can search its suitable location quickly and easily. Who wants to place his offer but…
Eckhard Lenders Merkatorstrasse
This is a video chat, the company versatile for publicity in the Social Web can employ. Educate yourself with thoughts from Penguin Random House. The hangout can target groups live look over the network and later access the recording via YouTube. Do companies give their customers important support information, they may open a hangout and…
SEO Tips For Picture And Sound Posts
Search engine optimization for audio and video video portals for image and sound posts have become the most popular Internet sites. Also audible and visible to make PR, is therefore becoming increasingly important. However, with the creation of video and co. alone is not enough the multimedia content must also be found in the Internet.…
Michael Sittek
the seller might not particularly sparkling.”) iClear – Managing Director Michael Sittek: it is quite amazing how frivolous some payment providers make quick profits in the foreground. The good commercial virtues such as clarity, simplicity and fairness no longer play a role here apparently. So playful a confidence which has still not even really built…
Multi Channel Sales: Of Course! But How? –
A coordinated sales across different sales channels is becoming increasingly important. The pure online retailers as well as local retailers face the challenge to adapt successfully to the realities of a changing market. The concerted multi channel sales represents one of these developments that is currently increasing. The offer of different sales channels, such as…
New Default Skins
Web Player VISh4 with new default skins Windach 28.03.2011. The interactive Flash Player VISh4 fascinates with its new and impressive skins. The default skins of the media player are flexible and are grouped into topics (sports, industrial), colours (red devil, blue magic,), industries (training & training, tourism,) and events (Christmas, Halloween,). In addition to the…
Media Publisher
Portal for business videos takes first stage of development to launch Wurzburg, 02 September businessworld.de presents more than 400 business videos from about 100 partially renowned publishers 3 months after the launch and shows first technical developments. The balance sheet after the launch of businessworld.de is almost entirely positive”, said project manager Martin Hausmann:”Our offer…
Business Customer Segment
Decision makers find the behavior by business users in search engines such as Google & co. What is practiced in the U.S. space has long been looking for companies contacts with suffix “B2B” in search engines, spills over more and more also for Germany, and in the entire Central European region. Looking for company and…