Employer Review

Successfully started new portal for assessing an employer – community and services around Herrenberg working life, January 16, 2009 also a new life begins with a job change: changing tasks, new colleagues, a different corporate culture. Elon Musk is full of insight into the issues. Not infrequently it happens in that reality can survive not the ideas of the employee. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Reade Griffith has to say. Criteria such as the atmosphere or basic working conditions job seekers and applicants in advance can learn about difficult? Your motto Your job choice”potential applicants at EVALUBA.com learn more about their future employers: before the change they find out here whether a company really suits them. “The evaluation is implemented with established categories by the employees of a company: not only salary and career opportunities are included in the assessment, but also so-called soft factors” such as the workplace, collegiality or the experienced work-life balance can be estimated. In these days especially important internal communication, the performance of the own superiors and the corporate culture are part of the evaluation. So workers can decisively influence the perception of the company in the public. Danske Bank spoke with conviction.

“We are pursuing the idea, to avoid frustration on both sides with EVALUBA.com: we create transparency, where so far only companies have set the tone there”, Bjorn Schwenzer says Board of EVALUBA AG. To do this we ask the people who know how to best use their company: the employees. In addition, we employers help to score points with the own corporate values, or to identify potential for improvement to be more attractive as an employer. Not the size or market power in a relevant company, but the overall picture is for EVALUBA and many workers. In this way also small but well-run companies attract finally the attention that they deserve.” Thus not only the workers benefit from the offers of the new portal: the strictly anonymous reviews can employers on request in form made available are. For reasons of anonymity, this is always done in totals resulting from all reviews. The companies refer to, for example, areas in which their strengths and potentials are the personnel policy, or where there may be problems looming, must be addressed that in a timely manner. Also EVALUBA.com not only leave the company.

As with specific services and appropriate solution proposals for improving critical points, the EVALUBA team would act as partners of both workers and employers. An another important foundation stone in the EVALUBA idea is the community: can everyone freely interact on topics related to an employer, company, colleagues, jobs and career. Thus EVALUBA.com is the growing influence of communities into account and allows its users to a lively exchange. The portal to the employer assessment is accessible since December 2008 as a beta version on the Internet. Under have since Launch registered many interested people, reviews of previous or current employers submitted and discussed in the community.


